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Magnified Fragment A5 using Coffee Stain Map Tangling as an Enhancer

Fragment A5 using Coffee Stained Map Tangling as an Enhancer

Fragment A5 using Coffee Stained Map Tangling as an Enhancer

Hi and welcome back to the Chrissie Murphy Designs Blog. I’m moving on to the next fragment in the Magnified Fragments project today. Today we are looking at Fragment A5 using Coffee Stain Map Tangling as an enhancer. So let’s get into it and I’ll fill you in on all you need to know.

Fragment A5 using Coffee Stained Map Tangling as an Enhancer

The Expressive Bits

What is the Magnified Fragments Project and where can I find out more about it?

Well in short, it’s the biggest project I have ever undertaken! There is greater detail about the project and what’s involved in the very first blog post for the project – Magnified Fragment A1 using Echo Lines as an Enhancer

We’re currently about 15% of the way through the project, having recently started the B Fragments. Most importantly though, you are still welcome to join us – you can join in and follow along using the hashtag #MagnifiedFragments at any time.

And lastly, check out our Magnified Fragments Gallery! It’s full of all the fragments that Expressive’s have created in the project so far. It’s absolutely amazing!!

Fragment A5 on a coffee stained tile

What is Fragment A5 using Coffee Stain MapTangling as an Enhancer?

Above is a close up of Fragment A5 .

I have created a tile using this fragment as my string. In doing so, I effectively magnified it.

Coffee Stain Maptangling was the enhancer for this tile. Deborah Pace of Tangle U Productions describes the technique of Map Tangling as follows:

“Map Tangling is a Zentangle Inspired Art that combines watercolors with tangle patterns. Using watercolors to create unexpected strings, you will then tangle on them with pen and ink for colorful results and see what emerges.”

Deborah Pace of Tangle U Productions

So coffee was used to stain the tile, as watercolour normally would, before tangling on it.

I chose the following tangles for my Fragment A5 using Coffee Stain Map Tangling as an enhancer:

Work in progress

What does it mean in terms of my artistic work as a whole?

I have found during the duration of this project, that most weeks there is something I’m wanting to try with my tile. It’s usually something small, and for this fragment, I wanted to try using the same tangle to create clear sections.

I thought Mooka 3D would be a great tangle to use as it has a long stem that I could manipulate to imply direction. If each section of tangles flowed in a different direction, I would be able to imply clear sectioning with one type of tangle.

So this is what I did. I’m enjoying the tiny little treasures that are there waiting to be discovered within each tile. It’s a great opportunity to continue to grow as a Tangler.

Fragment A5 using Coffee Stained Map Tangling as an Enhancer

How can you take this idea and be more Expressive?

Do you ever have little things you want to try with your tiles? Sometimes I’m not even sure of what they are until the string is down. It’s like the string guides possibilities.

Here’s a few ideas I’ve tried in the past;

You get the idea. Little things that are interesting to try while tangling. They add that little bit extra to your expression. Give it a try this week.

Fragment A5 using Coffee Stained Map Tangling as an Enhancer

The Factual Bits

The materials used

How big is Fragment A5 using Coffee Stain Map Tangling as an enhancer?

It is 4 inches x 4 inches square.

Fragment A5 using Coffee Stained Map Tangling as an Enhancer

Want to be more Expressive?

Join the Expressive’s List to begin to learn ways you can start to express yourself creatively. With the Lord there are no moulds or limits, just possibilities, and the promise of unearthing who you were created to be.

Expressive Subscribers receive an email each month that contains creative inspiration and ideas, links to helpful resources and a month’s worth of journal prompts to stimulate creative expression. These prompts are a great way of learning to express yourself when you’ve never really tried it before. Fill in your details below to sign up.

Until next time, listen to your heart and sharpen your coloured pencils. A masterpiece awaits!

Bless you my friend

Chrissie xx

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